If you have any other question, please feel free to contact us.
What should I wear?
Please wear jeans or tights and closed shoes, with no high heel. In winter, bring a jacket, and in summer, sunscreen is essential.
We provide you with the riding hat.
I have never ridden before. What will happen?
We will give you a brief instruction before the ride on the basics of how to move your horse, and how to stop him. Our horses are well trained to look after even the most novice rider.
What if I get out on the ride and get nervous?
All our guides have lead-reins with them. If you get nervous while out, we can put your horse on a lead-rein, which means we then control him. You just need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience.
Do you have a weight limit?
Unfortunately we do have to have a weight limit, of around 85 – 90 kgs. This is because we are asking our horses to carry you, and can’t put too much strain on them.
Can my child ride with me on the same horse?
We do not have saddles that cater for more than one person per horse. If your child is 5+ years old, he/she can ride on their own horse with the group.
I know how to ride. Can we go fast?
Our guides will evaluate your riding skill before any risks are taken. Should we feel that you are an advanced rider, we do cater for faster rides, and have a gorgeous trail called the “Gallop Track” up the hill.
Can I pay by card?
Yes, we do have card facilities, as well as SnapScan.